Gourmet Business Solutions Group Inc./GBS GROUP Inc.

Information about the Gourmet Business Solutions Group Inc./GBS GROUP Inc. instance of Odoo, the Open Source ERP.

Installed Applications

From quotations to invoices
Restaurant extensions for the Point of Sale
Invoices & Payments
Track leads and close opportunities
Enterprise website builder
Manage your stock and logistics activities
Manage financial and analytic accounting
Purchase orders, tenders and agreements
Point of Sale
User-friendly PoS interface for shops and restaurants
Organize and plan your projects
Sell your products online
Manufacturing Orders & BOMs
Create and customize your Odoo apps
Centralize employee information
PSI Custom - GBS
PSI Custom - GBS
Data Recycle
Find old records and archive/delete them
Low Sales Report
The tool to control poorly performing products. Under-performing products. Sales analysis. Bad sales detection. Badly sold products. Low-demanded products.
Point Of Sales Restrict Out Stock Product | POS Restrict Out Of Stock Products
Restrict Out Product Point Of Sales,Check Product Quantity,Product On Hand Quantity,Low Stock Alert,Search Product Quantity,POS Restrict Out Stock,Product Out Of Stock Warning Odoo
Point Of Sale Stock Information
POS Stock Information,POS Inventory Information,Point Of Sale Inventory Information,POS On Hand Quantity,POS On-hand Quantity,POS On hand QTY, Point Of Sale On Hand Qty,Point Of Sale Forecasted Quantity,Forecasted qty,Virtual Quantity Odoo Display POS Stock Quantity Display POS Stock Quantity on POS Screen Stock in POS Inventory Management POS Product Qty POS Product Quantity POS Warehouse Quantity POS Inventory POS on Hand Quantity Stock Quantity Display Stock Quanity POS Available Quantity Show Product Quanity in POS Show Stock POS Display Point of Sale Stock Quantity on Point of Sale Screen Stock in Point of Sale Inventory Management Point of Sale Product Qty Point of Sale Product Quantity Point of Sale Warehouse Quantity Point of Sale Inventory Point of Sale on Hand Quantity Stock Quantity Display Stock Quanity Point of Sale Available Quantity Show Product Quanity in Point of Sale Show Stock Point of Sale Available Quantity Available Stock Available Item
User Audit | User Activity Audit
Follow Users Traces,Audit Trail,User Log,Log Report, Record Log,Record Information,User Activity log, Record History,Log History,User Activity Audit Log,Manage Audit Logs,Track every Users Operation,Delete Log,audit user activity Odoo
Chat, mail gateway and private channels
Centralize your address book
Schedule employees' meetings
Repair damaged products
Use barcode scanners to process logistics operations
Organize your work with memos and to-do lists
Manage your employee payroll records
Employee Contracts

Installed Localizations / Account Charts

United States - Accounting
1099 Reporting
Easily export 1099 data for e-filing with a 3rd party.
US Checks Layout
Print US Checks
NACHA Payments
Export payments as NACHA files
US - Accounting Reports